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What is “Pet Cleaner”?

It’s a technologically advanced application which dissociates every insect from your pet by sending out frequency sound waves. You’ve probably heard that before, but Pet Cleaner is not just another repeller.

We are proud to announce that we’ve created a unique database, which includes almost all the resonant frequencies of the common insects.

By starting the application, your device’s microphone turns into a highly sensitive scanner, through which our database receives information.
After analyzing the input frequencies, our database decides which frequencies should be sent out, for the problem to be solved. The process repeats itself every 2 minutes.

This constantly interactive communication between your device and our servers helps our database to fully comprehend the surrounding environment.

Notice: Your pet should be in a range of 3 to 5 meters, for the scan to work properly.

Of course, the frequencies that are sent out are harmless to your pet! Pet Cleaner works better with internet connection, because the database updates automatically.

The app requires a minimum of 20 minutes scanning. Recommended time is 35 - 45 minutes. A demonstration video is available on our facebook page (www.facebook.com/petcleanerapp)
Give it a try, and you’ll be surprised by the results!